Senthil Thirunavukkarasu
November 30, 2014
First of all, I would like to thank you very much for such a wonderful contribution to the society in terms of sharing your knowledge.
I like the pace and the content of the class. Also, the extra time to make us understand the concepts. Also, the way Krishna is very knowledgeable and opened to accept the different perspectives. The biggest plus is, Krishna being from India and living in US for many years, and too much knowledge in the subject, willingness to bring this to the society, all this combined, here is the best package ever! Even though the topic says "Know your Child", I would say it is "Know Yourself, Spouse and Child"
I always wonder, the way I raise my child is correct or not. I would say this is an eye opener for us. Even though we know many things already, it was good to connect the pieces together and come out good as a good parent.
I liked the following amazing concepts:
Already child has 90% of the talent and parent's contribution is just 10%, but important 10%
Survival and Identities
Giving Bath to have the personal touch with kids
Spending more time with Grandparents.
Color concepts. I am really hopeful that I will motivate/treat my kid understanding his colors. This is one of the great concepts.
I will never do the mistake of color violence and confuse my kid. Parent should help Kid to succeed in his life aligning with their identity, instead of raising the kid in the way parent's want. Its a wonderful feeling/success to let their kid taste the real fruit instead of sweetness from the peel.
As a takeaway from this class, I already started and will continue to apply two concepts at a time, until I become comfortable and see the results. Then start two more concepts and so on.
I am sure I will see a positive change in my parenting skills. This class is one of the greatest assets for every parent, who really wants to raise their child as a confident, happy and successful individual.
I STORNGLY suggest every parent in the triangle to take advantage of this course.