
This page shows testimonials from MedhaJananam workshops and also other workshops based on the concepts of Foaum, such as the Colors of Humanity.

Chayadevi D V
March 18, 2012
‘Introduction to Life’ Yes, I am happy that at least now I found an opportunity to introduce myself to life. The line seems so simple like introducing to some fundamentals of a theory usually what we have seen in our college books. ‘Medha Jananam’ introduced me to life in simple words. It has shown a complete cycle of all ‘Bhoota’ in ‘Tat’.

It’s really great how so much information Krishnagaru could easily pass it on to us in such simple way. I could easily understand the complicated words. Everything, each concept… Three gods, Four Quadrants, fragrance, life cycles, ‘The Universe and I’, Five Koshas, Padma, Aum, and very very exciting concept of identifying colors in organisms.

The identification of color of people around us will really reduce lot of tension and expectations from them. Each and every slide had a meaning connected to our life.

The explanation given for egg and chicken, how only warmth should be given to an egg so that chick comes out naturally otherwise it becomes an omelet, explained by Krishnagaru has entered my mind so deep that I don’t think I can ever forget that.

Thank you Aruna and Krishna garu.
Colors Of Humanity
Colors of Humanity

A simple, natural and elegant
psychological framework to explain
human diversity and enterprise