
This page shows testimonials from MedhaJananam workshops and also other workshops based on the concepts of Foaum, such as the Colors of Humanity.

Chalapathi Rao Akunuri
November 7, 2010
Having attended ‘Medha Jananam’, I felt it really ignited my intellect, true to its meaning. I enjoyed all these 5 days of the workshop, structured so nicely and filled with intense thought provoking process, though unknowingly.

I attended several other spiritual discourses of renowned Swamijis who are at an elevated levels of knowledge and during such discourses it is essentially one way knowledge transmission with wide gap in the levels of the transmitter and the receiver. ‘Medha Jananam’ differs totally from such conventional discourses or workshops. It is because, we feel comfortable with Sri Krishna Sharma Garu who is one among ourselves, but reached relatively an advanced stage in the spiritual pursuit. He is like a mountaineer positioned few steps ahead of us and trying to help us with a rope to hold and to continue our smooth trekking. His passion to conduct these workshops motivates people like me and his absolute clarity on various complex topics creates keen interest.

His statements like, “You need the shell to grow but you need to break the shell to grow”, “you need religion to grow but you need to get out of the religion to grow” etc. are so thought provoking that it changes our thinking process dramatically. It helps us in deciding the course of action of not only our lives but even our children. All this happens unknowingly.

Most of us, particularly elderly persons like me have heard the words ‘Dharma, Ardha, Kama and Moksha’ several times and have been interpreting in our own way. But it is amazing to note how Sri Krishna Sharma garu has given perfect meaning for these words by explaining with the concept of ’4 Petals of a Flower’ and all that the flower needs to shine and display its splendour in full is mudwater and sunshine.

The concept of ‘Fractal Mapping’ and ‘Power of Finite’ explains very clearly how everything in the universe maps to each other, irrespective whether we are viewing at micro or macro level.

The state of ‘Energy’ and ‘Conscious’ levels is the essence of ones personality. The ‘Colour Concept’ built around this theory is very interesting and unique. Good understanding of this concept helps us to assess our own personality and as well as others around us to improve the personality aspects.Good person can become strong and strong person can become good as Krishna garu said.I have certainly found ‘Medha Jananam’ extremely benefitial in my spiritual pursuit. I will definitely attend further workshops Sri Krishna Sharma garu would conduct in the future ..
Colors Of Humanity
Colors of Humanity

A simple, natural and elegant
psychological framework to explain
human diversity and enterprise