
This page shows testimonials from MedhaJananam workshops and also other workshops based on the concepts of Foaum, such as the Colors of Humanity.

Rupali Gurjar
January 25, 2018
Sir, I attended many workshops but I never attended such a marvelous and interesting workshop. The workshop was well structured, provided excellent information about the concept of colors.

This workshop has given a new way looking at the color. I came to know how different we are from each other. I really enjoyed and learned many new concepts in this workshop. Really, I felt it was an informative workshop. This workshop has given many new concepts such as

“Education is additive, Learning is multiplicative”.

The different modes – Native and simulative which made us know our core. I liked very much the usage of Sanskrit shlokas which you used to explain your concept.

The different examples of daily life, such as regarding reading newspapers, books, movies vocabulary, bank accounts, keeping our homes, explained with the concept of Colors brought more clarity about different natures of people. Colors bring happiness and colors change moods, this concept was amazing & informative.

The different methods like Mandukanaya, Gomutranayaya, Simhavalokanam are directly applicable in the classes I teach. I came to understand how to apply the different methods in teaching my students. Normally, we keep comparing students with each other. But this workshop has given a new outlook to understand the uniqueness of the students. The “Walking grass” concept is also new.

This workshop guided me to understand myself better. Sir, you have provided an opportunity not only for teachers but also for the parents.

It was the most memorable workshop, I ever attended. Thank you very much.
Colors Of Humanity
Colors of Humanity

A simple, natural and elegant
psychological framework to explain
human diversity and enterprise