
This page shows testimonials from MedhaJananam workshops and also other workshops based on the concepts of Foaum, such as the Colors of Humanity.

Sreevalli Koganti
January 23, 2018
“Everyone is Unique” – Well said Sir!

I felt difficult in the beginning to understand the color concept, later it was very helpful to me to understand students, my colleagues, especially myself.

Before attending this workshop, I used to wonder, why am I like this? Soo calm and quite…, Is there something wrong with me?? Now I understood; God created a nice human being like me. Haaaa…!

Before attending this workshop I used to get either too involved in things or completely shun off and used to expect people to behave according to my expectations. Now I have the confidence of managing myself. It is really very interesting to know the personalities of people through the concept of colors.

I want to share one thing that if ICHHASAKTHI is not there then there is no meaning for GNANASAKTHI, KRIYAASAKTHI, and the NYAYAS. We, the teachers, play a key role in creating ICHHASAKTHI in students.

Thank you very much, Sir.

Finally, I would like to thank Prasad Sir. Sorry “Dr. Prasad” Sir, who included me as a part of this workshop.

With regards
Sreevalli Koganti
Colors Of Humanity
Colors of Humanity

A simple, natural and elegant
psychological framework to explain
human diversity and enterprise