
This page shows testimonials from MedhaJananam workshops and also other workshops based on the concepts of Foaum, such as the Colors of Humanity.

Surekha Valluru
October 3, 2016
I have recently attended a 3 day workshop by Mr. Krishna Sharma called “Nature Oriented Nurture”. This workshop was very interactive and conducted in a friendly environment. In fact, this was my first ever workshop and the reason for my participation is to understand child psychology that helps in the upbringing of my child effectively. But what the workshop made us realize is that we should think about ourselves to understand the others around us.

The workshop started with identifying the needs of an individual such as emotional and intellectual, be it a child or an adult. Then the workshop discussed the Native and Simulated modes that are part of human behavior. Then the concept of KOSAS was explained with the help of color-coding. It is indeed an interesting topic that helps one assess the personality of a person. Examples that were used to classify things around us into the Layers shows the depth of Mr. Krishna Sharma’s research into this topic. Parenting is always a challenging task and this workshop certainly guides one towards meeting those challenges.

Thank you sir, for sharing your insights and I am privileged to be associated with this enlightening workshop. Looking forward to other upcoming sessions.

Colors Of Humanity
Colors of Humanity

A simple, natural and elegant
psychological framework to explain
human diversity and enterprise